The Central Payment Centre (CPC) was set up to provide additional services, required by certain types of organizations or corporate customers, that the normal QINIQ policy did not address. What services does the Central Payment Centre offer?
- Organizations or corporate customers that are required to issue cheque payment, are given ample time to issue monthly payments.
- Organizations that have multiple QINIQ accounts can group them together under a single master billing account and receive one invoice, instead of separate invoices for all accounts.
- Master billing account can be set up to capture all charges that would relate to individual Purchase orders (PO) or Local Contract Authority (LCA)
- Invoices are then issued on the 28th of each month, and they include all outstanding transactions for that month.
How does an Organization become a part of the Central Payment Centre?
- Organizations that apply to be a part of the Central Payment Centre must have an approved credit application, and are then given credit and terms of NET 30 days.
- our Community Service Provider (CSP) should be able to provide you with the necessary documents, should you wish to apply.
- Contact the CPC Account Manager, as per Account Inquiries below. Are Community Service Providers (CSP) involved with CPC accounts? Yes, the CSP will set up individual accounts and benefit from commissions on these accounts. Which in turn benefits their local economy. Any questions regarding the performance of the modem, purchase of additional upgrades in usage, or plan changes can be directed to the CSP.
Is there an additional cost involved with the Central Payment Centre? The Central Payment Centre (CPC) charges a 15% surcharge on all amounts that are held against the credit available to CPC customers. This surcharge is added at the bottom of each invoice.
Central Payment Centre offers a GREEN alternative to paper: All CPC invoices are EMAILED to the email address specified on the CPC application! Paper copies will not be mailed.
Notification of changes in information: Please be sure to notify us immediately if there are any changes to your Billing Address / Billing Contact / Credit Requirement / Contact Information / Email address for billing purposes. Payment Terms Payment is required within 30 days of the invoice date. Our billing system is entirely automated and any account, which becomes overdue or exceeds the approved credit limit will automatically be suspended by the system.
What types of payments are accepted? The CPC accepts payments in the form of cash, cheque, and credit card or Postal money order. Please do not email your confidential VISA or Mastercard information. Fax it to: +1(867) 669-7510. Or call +11(877)686-2888 to provide credit card information.
Please send cheque or money order payments payable to:
SSi Canada.
356B Old Airport Road
Yellowknife, NT
X1A 3T4
For Account inquiries or more information:
Please contact SSi Canada
Phone: +11(877)686-2888
Fax: +1(867) 669-7510